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RDPCC Call for Nominations

By staff, 10/09/23, 7:45PM PDT


Call for Nominations - Regional Development Program Committee Chair Position
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The USA Gymnastics Women's Program and Region One are calling for nominations for the Regional Development Program Committee Chairman (RDPCC) position.

Nominations must be submitted via email to Evelyn Paradis, USAG Region 1 Regional Administrative Committee Chairman.  All nominations must be received by Monday, October 23rd, 2023, 12 AM.
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All nominees must be:
Members of the Women's Program, at least 21 years old, and in good standing for a minimum of two (2) consecutive years prior to the nomination, and meet the prerequisites in Article V of the Operating Code, Section I, found posted on the USA Gymnastics Women’s Program website.

Term of office will begin Wednesday, November 9th, 2023.

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Regional Development Program Committee Chairmen (RDPCC) shall be elected by a vote of the Women's Program Professional membership within each Region.

Voting will be conducted online at from Tuesday, October 24th, 2023, 12 AM  – Wednesday, November 8, 2023, 12 AM.

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Elections will be conducted online at www. from Tuesday, October 24th, 2023, 12 AM - Wednesday, November 8th, 2023, 12 AM. In order to ensure that their vote can be counted, each Professional Member should make sure of each of the following:

  • That their address is current (specifically the State)
  • That they know their personal User ID
  • That they know their password
  • That their membership, safety certification and background check must be fully processed and current.

If you have any questions regarding your voting privileges, please call the USA Gymnastics Member Services – 1-800-345-4719.

Prior to being placed on the ballot, all nominees must sign a document that verifies that they have read and understand the duties and responsibilities of the office for which they have been nominated and submit their resumes/statement of purpose to the appropriate USA Gymnastics officer.

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Please let me know if you have questions concerning the above or any additional matters.

Evelyn Paradis

Cell:  (925) 963-4627

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